Frequently Asked Questions about Greyhounds
Remember -- all Greyhounds are individuals!
We have answered these questions to the best of our ability, but not every Greyhound is alike.
Please be sure to thoroughly discuss all things Greyhound with whoever you get your Greyhound from.

Their beauty and attitude is what drew me to Greyhounds. Watching them run is truly a thing of beauty, whether they be young or old. They are smart and exceptional hounds that do enjoy working alongside their masters. You really cannot ask for a better dog.
Living with a Greyhound is like living with of beautiful piece of art.
General consensus is that the majority of Greyhounds can live with house cats, but all bets are off with outdoor cats. Any cat outdoors that runs will often trigger the Greyhound’s prey drive and it is important to remember that Greyhounds were bred to chase down and catch prey.
If you have cats or think you might get cats in the future, it is always wise to discuss this with the person you are getting your Greyhound from.
Be sure to check out our 'Greyhounds with cats and other animals' photo gallery
Greyhound owners agree that their dogs would much rather do something – running, training, walking, car rides, etc. However, in the house, if relaxing, they are definitely ‘couch connoiseurs’ and much prefer soft surfaces like couches or beds rather than the floor.
It is important to remember that Greyhounds were bred as athletes and are born to run. Greyhounds, especially puppies and young dogs will happily tear thru your house as fast as possible if they have not had exercise outdoors.
Nails should be dremeled or cut weekly.
They don’t seem to have a ‘doggy’ odor so bathing is a personal preference. Many owners bathe them only when they are going to a show or when they become particularly dirty.
Teeth much be watched for tartar buildup which can lead to bad breath and even major health issues. Some owners brush their dogs’ teeth regularly; others find that a raw diet and/or raw bones work well.
Before even considering these activities with your Greyhounds you must make sure that your dog is old enough that its growth plates have closed to prevent damage to growing pups. This usually means that your dog should be at least 18-24 months old. Please check with your veterinarian to be sure.
Once your dog is old enough, many Greyhounds enjoy these activities. Some are willing to go for longer distances than others. As with any physical activities with your dogs, it is important to start with shorter distances until stamina is built up.
First, as stated in the question above, make sure that your dog is old enough to start sustained exercise. Plus, while bicycling with your dog can be enjoyable for both you and your dog, you must take the time to teach your dog to enjoy the experience.
There are several options available that attach to your bicycle that allow you to bicycle safely. One of our owners regularly bicycles her Greyhounds with the Springer Hands Free Dog Leash Attachment Kit and reports that she has never been pulled over - even when her dog decided to try to chase a squirrel that ran across the bike path.